Monday, April 11, 2011

Drug Policy Alliance Call To Action

Last month, the DEA raided at least 28 medical marijuana dispensaries in Montana and California. These raids – and many before them – break President Obama's promise that he would not use "justice department resources to circumvent state laws" on medical marijuana. Their changes in rhetoric aren't enough. It's time to end the war on drugs and legalize marijuana.

Their changes in rhetoric aren't enough. It's time to end the war on drugs and legalize marijuana. Show your support by signing our petition demanding No More Drug War!

The war on drugs isn't over – in fact, it hasn't skipped a beat. Every year, the federal government still spends billions of dollars to arrest, prosecute and lock up people for nonviolent drug offenses. But that can change. Momentum is growing to end the irresponsible policies that treat responsible citizens as criminals. Public opinion increasingly favors legalization. States are questioning whether money for arrests and incarceration might be better spent on education or infrastructure or even on putting the money back in taxpayers' pockets. Now it's up to us to make sure Congress is asking those same questions. Over the next few months, as we approach the 40th Anniversary of the war on drugs, DPA will build a critical mass of support through local events in communities across the country, release a hard-hitting report detailing an exit strategy, and work with the media and high-profile leaders to embolden them to speak out against the war on drugs.

Ethan Nadelmann - Executive Director - Drug Policy Alliance

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